Penguin OS

Exploration Once upon a time, there was a penguin named Agniva who lived in a frozen land. One day, while Agniva was out for a stroll, he stumbled upon a strange device lying on the ground. It was a smartphone, and Agniva had never seen anything like it before. Curious and intrigued, Agniva decided to pick up the phone and take a closer look. As he started to explore the device, he realized that he was stuck inside the phone and could not get out....

April 21, 2023


Basic requirements Read through the instructions at least once before actually following them, so as to avoid any problems due to any missed steps! Make sure your computer has adb and fastboot. Enable USB debugging on your device. ROM is provided as-is with no warranty. While we attempt to verify everything works you are installing this at your own risk! Both fastboot package and recovery rom is provided....

Installation Guide For Xiaomi 11 Lite Ne 5G

Basic requirements Read through the instructions at least once before actually following them, so as to avoid any problems due to any missed steps! Make sure your computer has adb and fastboot. Setup instructions can be found here. Enable USB debugging on your device. ROM is provided as-is with no warranty. While we attempt to verify everything works you are installing this at your own risk!...

StatixOS Lisa

Basic requirements Read through the instructions at least once before actually following them, so as to avoid any problems due to any missed steps! Make sure your computer has adb and fastboot. Enable USB debugging on your device. ROM is provided as-is with no warranty. While we attempt to verify everything works you are installing this at your own risk! Both fastboot package and recovery rom is provided, flashing via fastboot package is preferred....